Hosted by renowned recording artist Stout, the "Coffee and Conversation" event was an intimate gathering of open-minded individuals. In a warm and welcoming atmosphere, participants shared their thoughts, perspectives, and experiences on a range of topics.
Stout kicked off the evening with a powerful rendition of "Freedom," setting the tone for a candid and personal discussion. She then posed a thought-provoking question: "What would I say to my younger self?" This prompt sparked deep reflection among attendees, who shared their own insights and experiences.
The conversation was engaging, inspiring, and filled with genuine connection. As participants shared their stories, it became clear that everyone was searching for something more than just surface-level interactions.
We are very excited and looking forward to more events held at Bloom, a multi- faceted space where you can shop, meet and enjoy a great cup of coffee.
Make sure you follow Stout and Bloom to see when the next "Coffee and Conversation" or other events will be held.
Bloom: Instagram